Meet your instructor

Hi! My name is Radha and I am privileged to serve my local community with the amazing baby massage course accredited by the IAIM (more about this amazing association below).

I have always been SO interested in baby/child development, fascinated with how the brain functions in the early years and how experiences from a young age have lasting impacts on people and society. My own parents were extremely paternal and maternal as I grew up and this certainly rubbed off on me too. For as long as I can remember I have also been really interested in wellbeing and the healing abilities of massage, so when I discovered that babies can hugely benefit from massage as well, I had to learn more! These interests have all come together for me in the form of becoming a Baby Massage Instructor and I couldn't be more excited! 

When I'm not studying up on how baby's brains develop or learning more about the evidence-based power of touch, I love to spend time with my amazing family and beautiful friends. I love to cook, dance, and most recently, play badminton. I enjoy travelling and trying new experiences - my favourite thrills have included scuba diving, zip lining and sky diving and my favourite places have included Barcelona, Egypt and New York (although I am bias as that is where a lot of my family are based so seeing them when I visit makes it extra special). 

I take great joy in teaching baby massage because I can see first hand the benefits for both parents and babies and it's an honour to witness wonderful bonds solidify before my eyes! Qualifying as an instructor has been an incredible achievement of mine which allows me to follow my calling. Anyone that knows me well enough, will tell you I am a nurturer, absolutely adore babies, and am passionate about making a difference. I love to help people and I can't wait to guide you through this wonderful course.  

Why Full Hearts?

I began my journey to become a qualified member of the IAIM in late January 2023 which started with an intensive 4-day training course in the centre of London. 

The days were long and the train commutes were a bit hectic (no surprise there) but unlike any other training I'd ever attended before I came home so full of ENERGY and JOY each day. It was hard work but also beautiful, I felt at home. Surrounded by amazing trainers and students alike I soaked up all the super interesting knowledge like a sponge. 

One part of the course included observing a live session with parents and babies, in this part of the training our only task was to sit and observe, seeing how an instructor is in action! Half way through this particular part there was a turning point. 

A content silence filled the room, the parents were smiling and fixated on their own children and the babies were quiet and happy, or slightly cooing as they enjoyed their massage.

In this moment, although I was sat at a distance only watching, I felt my mood relax, my whole body settle, my hand resting on my chest, and my heart so big, warm, and full. Even though I was not directly in the centre of this class, either taking part or leading it, my heart was bursting and this fullness stuck with me to this day. Full Hearts Baby Massage was born and I continued through the rest of the intensive training and qualification process to gain my Certification by early July 2023. 

International Association of Infant Massage

"The purpose of the International Association of Infant Massage is to promote nurturing touch and communication through training, education and research so that parents. caregivers and children are loved, valued and respected throughout the world community."

The IAIM is the only association solely dedicated to baby massage globally. 

The IAIM International Board oversees the work of each ‘Chapter’ in all the different countries. Each Chapter has a Committee which runs the Association within their individual country, and makes up the global 'Book' of shared experiences, world-class standards and commitment to supporting parents with creating nurturing environments for their child. 

The UK Chapter is one of the largest which was established in 1997, and all 70+ Chapters still continue to grow. The practise of massaging babies has existed for centuries across the world, and the IAIM honours the origins and cultural heritage of this, including Indian and Swedish massage, and principles of yoga and reflexology. 

The IAIM was founded in the early 1980s by Vimala McClure, following her experiences in India whilst working in an orphanage, her vision includes ensuring every parent has the opportunity to experience the lifelong benefits that come from early bonds that are loving, healthy and secure.

In order to reach more parents and share the art of infant massage, the IAIM ensures their members are supported with in-depth education, well researched programme development and regular refresher training; so if you learn how to massage your baby from a Certified IAIM instructor you can be rest assured that you are in good hands.

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